

We each have an incredible capacity for healing. This is the innate vital intelligence that gives us the power to grow, adapt and live life to our fullest potential.

Our fast-paced lifestyles and day-to-day stresses can push our bodies, minds and souls to the limit of adaptation. When this happens, we are asked to re-examine our lives and create changes that support the full expression of our unique vibrancy in the world. The question that stumps us is where do I start?

Kinesiology is an individualised therapy that bypasses the mind, revealing the origin of dis-ease in the body, mind and spirit. With this awareness and other personalised tools, you can walk your path to optimum health and vitality with clarity and confidence.

  • Kinesiology is a biofeedback tool that bypasses the conscious mind to access the autonomic nervous system through muscle testing.

    Our nervous systems are incredibly sensitive and can pick up on information at a distance of 1.5 metres from the body. All this information is processed subconsciously and the brain decides what relevant information should be made conscious. The body stores all this information like a memory bank that is accessible through the brain and the fascial network.

    Kinesiology uses muscle testing as an access point to that information, communicating in a language that the body understands, it has the power to reprogram faulty systems and rewire the body’s network so it can function at its optimum potential.

    For more information about the practical benefits of muscle testing in day-to-day life, you can listen to Muscle Checking 101 from the Becoming Fully Human podcast.

  • When you arrive for your initial consultation you will be asked to fill in a new client form. We will discuss your form and have a broader conversation regarding your medical and circumstantial history, relationships and all aspects of your health.

    We then discuss what you would like to work on and together we formulate a goal to work with throughout the session. Then you lie up on the massage table and we begin to listen to what your body has to say using biofeedback via muscle testing.

    I use an array of tools that are indicated by your body to support you in coming back to a state of equilibrium.

    Each session is an active process and we discuss what comes up throughout the session. This is important as it gives you a greater awareness of how your personal story has been translated into your body and what tools work best for you in supporting yourself.


Distance Healing

For when you can’t see us face-to-face

Luckily for us, energy isn’t bound by space or time! So if you’re feeling out of sorts or stuck in a rut and can’t make it into our clinic, a Distance Healing session is here to support you. Just like a regular session, Rosie gently reorientates you towards your true north by attuning you to the flowing rhythm of your life.

Kin For Kids

Supporting kids as they process life

Growing up with the benefits of kinesiology, I’m passionate about giving kids the space they need to express themselves and the full spectrum of their emotions. Working with a range of emotional, physical and developmental issues, I provide a safe and nurturing environment for kids of all ages.

Equine Kin

Caring for four-legged companions

Before I started seeing human clients, I was working with horses. Equine Kin is a powerful tool to strengthen the channels of communication between horse and rider and gives much-needed insight into the energetic workings of horses. I love giving back to these wise fur friends that give so much to us.

Cancellation Policy

Your appointment is reserved for you.
Late cancellations or missed appointments mean that someone else is missing out.

In fairness to all my clients, I have a 24-hour cancellation policy. Please notify me if you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment.
Appointments that are missed or cancelled without 24 hours notice will incur the 50% Cancellation Fee.