Feel like you’re just surviving?
Make space to Revive so you can Thrive.

A Holistic Perspective

Are you tired of chasing symptoms and want to create sustainable change in your life?
What if the answers you’re looking for are closer than you imagined?

The body holds intelligence that the mind does not understand. It synchronises with the subconscious mind and stores information like a personalised memory bank.

Like a line of code, this information can be hard to interpret if you don’t know what you're looking for. That’s where kinesiology comes in. Kinesiologists are trained to speak the language of the body, translate messages and reprogram faulty code.

Whether you’re experiencing digestive issues, hormonal problems, food sensitivities, fatigue or mental health challenges, kinesiology can find the trigger that is flipping the switch on your health and gently reactivate your innate healing capabilities so that you can thrive.

Find Your Balance

  • Physical

    Feel strong, energised and pain-free.
    Your body is the seat of the soul and the home you carry with you throughout your life. It’s always communicating with you. Can you recognise what it’s saying and are you ready to listen?
    Become fluent in the messages of your body and understand why it’s out of balance. Learn how to achieve balance with effective and bio-individual tools.

  • Emotional

    Build resilience, confidence and trust.
    Emotions are energetic waves in motion and sometimes they can sweep you off your feet. How would it feel to easily flow with the current? Do you feel like you are living your life or is your life living you?
    Cultivate a strong emotional foundation that builds your capacity to move through the ups and downs of life. Trust in your ability to create the life you want to be living.

  • Energetic

    Develop trust in your Inner Wisdom.
    Have you ever walked into a room and felt the energy shift? Or felt that something was off and you couldn’t explain why? Those subtle hints were your embodied wisdom speaking to you.
    Attune your energetic awareness and become aware of the subtle changes of your energy and the energy surrounding you. Develop your felt sense perception.

  • About

    I’m a 2nd generation kinesiologist who’s passionate about helping my clients step into their full potential.

  • Services

    I provide individualised kinesiology sessions for all ages and Equine Kinesiology.

  • FAQs

    Learn more about what to expect from kinesiology, working with me and how to get started.